Arts in the Armed Forces, Advisory Council Member Announcement

Arts in the Armed Forces, Advisory Council Member Announcement

Evan Guzman is nationally known for his work in supporting the military connected community and love of the arts and entertainment. He’s the founder of Verizon’s Military Hiring & Engagement program. In this role he established, developed, and...
Evan Guzman, Advisor, Corporate and Military Outreach

Evan Guzman, Advisor, Corporate and Military Outreach

Evan is a nationally recognized leader with over two decades of experience in veteran hiring, strategic talent acquisition, corporate development, employment marketing & branding. As a Chief Veteran Advocate, Evan is highly sought-after by major companies, news...
Top Vet-Friendly Employers: Evan Guzman and Verizon Take the Lead

Top Vet-Friendly Employers: Evan Guzman and Verizon Take the Lead

My job is to help organizations become more veteran friendly. This could involve helping them start from scratch, or augmenting a program that’s existed for months or years. Many factors come into play from onboarding, to marketing, to training, to proper...